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Risultati 1-20 di 86

The rationale for aniconism in the Old Testament

a study of select texts

  • Korada, Manoja Kumar

Transformations in the Septuagint

towards an interaction of Septuagint studies and translation studies

  • Louw, Theo A. W.: van der

Sea and the combat myth

North West Semitic political mythology in the Hebrew Bible

  • Töyräänvuori, Joanna

Daring, disreputable, and devout

interpreting the Bible's women in the arts and music

  • Clanton, Dan W.

Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes

the Book of the Soul of Man

  • Ibn Tibbon, Šemuʼel: ben#Yehuda 1150ca.-1230

Bibelkunde des Alten Testaments

die kanonischen und apokryphen Schriften

  • Rosel, Martin

The dangerous duty of rebuke

Leviticus 19:17 in early Jewish and Christian interpretation

  • Goldstone, Matthew S.

E le acque si calmarono

[Genesi 8.1] : Mostra, Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze, 27 ottobre 2016-27 gennaio 2017

Made in Godʼs image?

Eve and Adam in the Genesis mosaics at San Marco, Venice

  • Jolly, Penny Howell

Risultati 1-20 di 86