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Risultati 20-40 di 86

On the fringe of commentary

metatextuality in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean cultures

Isaia 40-66

Israele: servo di Dio, popolo liberato

  • Bonora, Antonio

The Books of the twelve Prophets

Minor Prophets - Major Theologies

Imprecation as divine discourse

speech act theory, dual authorship, and theological interpretation

  • Barker, Kit teologo

Le Livre des Psaumes

ancienne traduction française

Altersschicksal und Altersmoral

die Geschichte der Einstellungen zum Altern nach der Pariser Bibelexegese des 12.-16. Jahrhunderts

  • Sprandel, Rolf

The curse of Ham in the early modern era

the Bible and the justifications for slavery

Waters of the Exodus

Jewish experiences with water in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt

  • LaCoste, Nathalie

The origins of the canon of the Hebrew Bible

an analysis of Josephus and 4 Ezra

  • Ossandón Widow, Juan Carlos

The Septuagint version of the Old Testament

with an english translation and with various readings and critical notes

Io ti domando

storie dell'Antico Testamento

  • Quarenghi, Giusi