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Risultati 60-80 di 120

Le banche centrali negli anni della crisi

l'operatività della Banca centrale europea, della Banca d'Italia e della Federal reserve

  • Banfi, Alberto

Unelected power

the quest for legitimacy in central banking and the regulatory state

  • Tucker, Paul 1958-

1he changing face of central banking [+]

evolutionary trends since world war 2.

  • Siklos, Pierre L.

L'Europa delle banche

  • Affinito, Massimiliano

The future of central banking [+]

the tercentenary symposium of the Bank of England

Institutions and monetary policy

credibility, flexibility and central bank independence

  • Schaling, Eric

The German state banks

global players in the international financial markets

  • Sinn, Hans Werner

Los Bancos Centrales en América Latina

sus antecedentes históricos

  • Ortiz Batalla, Javier

Banche centrali e democrazia [+]

istituzioni, moneta e competizione politica

  • Pittaluga, Giovanni Battista