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Risultati 20-40 di 120

La moneta e l'economia

il ruolo delle banche centrali

Bank structure and competition

19th conference on bank. May 2-4, 1983

  • Federal reserve bank Chicago

The international functions of gold [+]

record of seventh meeting held on December 3rd, 1930 : for what objects do central banks hold Gold?

La fabbrica dei soldi

istituti di emissione e questione bancaria in Italia (1861 - 1913)

  • Pecorari, Paolo

La banque supérieure

la banque de France de 1800 à 1914

  • Leclercq, Yves

Les banques centrales sont-elles légitimes?

Colloque du Centre Cournot pour la recherche en économie

  • Centre Cournot pour la recherche en économie

The courage to act

a memoir of a crisis and its aftermath

  • Bernanke, Ben S.

The economics of large-value payments and settlement

theory and policy issues for central banks

Central banks as fiscal player

the drivers of fiscal and monetary policy space

  • Buiter, Willem H.

Controlling credit

central banking and the planned economy in postwar France, 1948-1973

  • Monnet, Eric 1983-

Dominanza finanziaria

  • Brunnermeier, Markus Konrad