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Risultati 120-140 di 255

Athenian officials

684-321 B.C.

  • Develin, Robert

Fortress Attica

defense of the Athenian land frontier 404-322 b. C.

  • Ober, Josiah

The Athenian Ecclesia

a collection of articles

  • Hansen, Mogens Herman

The city as comedy

society and representation in Athenian drama

Demography and democracy

the number of Athenian citizens in the fourth century B. C.

  • Hansen, Mogens Herman

The glory of Athens

the popular tradition as reflected in the Panathenaicus of Aelius Aristides

  • Day, Joseph W.

Die Dokimasiereden des Lysias

orr. 16, 25, 26, 31

  • Weissenberger, Michael

Atene pocket

il meglio, da vivere, da scoprire

  • O'Neill, Zora

Atene 1687

Venezia, i turchi e la distruzione del Partenone

  • Marzo Magno, Alessandro

La democrazia

Atene, 6.-4. sec. a. C.

Akropolis [+]

la grande epopea di Atene

  • Manfredi, Valerio Massimo


storia della Repubblica ateniese dalle origini alla età di Pericle

  • De Sanctis, Gaetano