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Risultati 40-60 di 255

Introducing new gods

the politics of Athenian religion

  • SBTV009528Garland, Robert 1947-

The birth of Athenian democracy

the Assembly in the fifth century b.c.

  • Starr, Chester G.

Modern technologies in the restoration of the Acropolis

proceedings of a one-day conference, 19 March 2010

The Parthenon

from antiquity to the present

Les monuments de l'Acropole

relèvement et conservation

  • Balanos, Nicolas

Topografia di Atene

sviluppo urbano e monumenti dalle origini al 3. secolo d.C.

  • Greco, Emanuele 1945-

Marathon fighters and men of Maple

ancient Acharnai

  • Kellogg, Danielle L.

Die Demagogen und das Volk

zur politischen Kommunikation im Athen des 5. Jahrunderts v. Chr.

  • Mann, Christian

Das Olympieion in Athen

  • Tölle-Kastenbein, Renate

From Pentelicon to the Parthenon

the ancient quarries and the story of a half-worked column capital of the first marble Parthenon

  • Korres, Manolis