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Risultati 40-60 di 2717

Three Copernican treatises

the Commentariolus of Copernicus, the Letter against Werner, the Narratio prima of Rheticus

  • Copernicus, Nicolaus 1473-1543

Colloquia copernicana II

études sur l'audience de la théorie héliocentrique : conférences du Symposium de l'UIHPS, Torun 1973

  • Symposium de l'UIHPS II Torun 1973


his life and works

  • Zinner, Ernst

Electroweak precision data and the higgs mass

proceedings of the workshop at DESY-Zeuthen, Feb. 28-March 1, 2003

  • Workshop on electroweak precision data and the higgs mass Zeuthen, Germany 2003


the founder of modern astronomy

  • Armitage, Angus

Astronomy and astrophysics abstracts [+]

volume 11, literature 1974, part 1

  • Astronomisches Rechen- Institut Heidelberg