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Risultati 120-140 di 2717

Vistas in Astronomy

Kepler four hundred years : proceedings of conferences held in honour of Johannes Kepler. Volume 18

Space research VIII

Proceedings of open meetings of working groups of the tenth Plenary meeting of Cospar : London, 25-28 July 1967 : organized by the Committee on space research-Cospar and the Royal Society

  • Plenary meeting of Cospar 10. London 1967

Francesco Zagar

discorso commemorativo

  • Fracastoro, Mario Girolamo

Hipparcos double and multiple systems annex and solar system objects

[described in volume 1, section 2.3 and volume 1, section 2.7]

Les tables alphonsines

avec les canons de Jean de Saxe

  • Alfonso re di Castiglia X 1221-1284

The Harvard College Observatory

the first four directorships, 1839-1919

  • Jones, Bessie Zaban

The Lord of Uraniborg

a biography of Tycho Brahe

  • Thoren, Victor E.

On Tycho's island

Tycho Brahe and his assistants, 1570-1601

  • Christianson, John Robert

Band VII

Epitome astronomiae copernicanae

  • Kepler, Johannes

Risultati 120-140 di 2717