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Italia 1861-1903, (album n. 1)

  • Cenni, Quinto

Men machines war

proceedings of the 11th Military History Symposium, held at the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., Mar. 22 - 23, 1984 /Editors Ronald Haycock, Keith Neilson

  • Haycock, Ronald Graham

Civil war in ancient Greece and Rome

contexts of disintegration and reintegration

Gli stratagemmi

  • Frontinus, Sextus Iulius

Swords around a throne

Napoleon's Grande Armée

  • Elting, John R.

Logistics of warfare in the age of the crusades

proceedings of a Workshop held at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney, 30 September to 4 October 2002

Torri e cannoni

la difesa costiera in Sardegna nell'età moderna

  • Mele, Giuseppe

Greek aims in fortification

  • Lawrence, Arnold Walter

Accidental nuclear war

proceedings of the eighteenth Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces

  • Workshop on nuclear war 18. Pugwash 1989

Defence without the bomb

  • Gran BretagnaAlternative Defence Commission

Battle exhortation

the rhetoric of combat leadership

  • Yellin, Keith

Gewohnliche Soldaten

Desertion und Deserteure im deutschen und britischen Heer, 1914-1918

  • Jahr, Christoph 1963-

The French veteran

from the Revolution to the Restoration

  • Woloch, Isser

L'esercito italiano nel secondo dopoguerra, 1945-1950

la sua ricostruzione e l'assistenza militare alleata

  • Nuti, Leopoldo