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Risultati 460-480 di 4387

Makers of ancient strategy

from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome

GIs in Germany

the social, economic, cultural, and political history of the American military presence

Bayonets before bullets

the imperial Russian army, 1861-1914

  • Menning, Bruce

Introduzione allo studio della geografia militare

con riferimento alla geografia aerea

  • Boselli, Guido

L'honneur du soldat

éthique martiale et discipline guerrière dans la France des Lumières

  • Guinier, Arnaud

Beloe dviženie ; Белое движение

memuary A.I. Denikina, P.N. Krasnova, P.N. Vrangelja : мемуары А.И. Деникина, п,н, Краснова, П.Н. Врангеля

The Greek state at war

  • Pritchett, William Kendrick

Els almogàvers

l'epopeia medieval dels catalans

  • Pascot, Jep

Guerra sin armas

la no violencia en la defensa nacional

  • Boserup, Anders