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Risultati 40-60 di 272

Proceedings of the workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne

the Frascati [ph]-factory : Frascati, April 9-12, 1991

  • Workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne 1. Frascati, Italy 1991

Physics at Fermilab in the 1990's

[proceedings of the workshop] : August 15-24, 1989, Breckenridge, Colorado

  • Workshop on physics at Fermilab in the 1990's Breckenridge, Colorado 1989

Second advanced ICFA beam dynamic workshop on aperture-related limitations of the performance and beam lifetime in storage rings

Lugano, Switzerland 11-16 april 1988 : proceedings

  • Advanced International Committee for Future Accelerators Workshop 2. Lugano 1988

Lezioni sulle macchine acceleratrici

corso di perfezionamento in fisica nucleare applicata

  • Persico, Enrico

Proceedings of the III international workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne

Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, November 16-19, 1999

  • Workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne 3. Frascati, Italy 1999

Proceedings of the Advanced ICFA beam dynamics workshop on beam dynamics issues for e+e- factories

Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, October 20-25, 1997

  • Advanced ICFA beam dynamics workshop Frascati, Italy 1997

International conference on high-energy accelerators and instrumentation, CERN, 1959

Geneva, 14th-19th September, 1959 : proceedings

  • International conference on high energy accelerators and instrumentation Geneva 1959

Workshop on beam cooling and related topics, Montreaux, Switzerland, 4-8 October 1993


  • Workshop on beam cooling and related topics Montreux, Switzerland 1993

Proceedings of INS workshop "Physics of e+e-, e-[gamma] and [gamma] [gamma] collisions at linear accelerators"

Institute for nuclear study, University of Tokyo, December 20-22, 1994

  • Institute for nuclear study workshop "Physics of e+e-, e-[gamma] and [gamma] [gamma] collisions at linear accelerators" Tanashi, Tokyo 1994

High-luminosity options for LEP

as part I of the Report of the Working group on high luminosities at LEP

Accelerators ond superconductivity

a marriage of convenience : lecture delivered at CERN on 27 november 1986

  • Wilson, Martin

New developments in particle acceleration techniques

proceedings : ECFA-CAS/CERN-IN2P3-IRF/CEA-EPS workshop held at Orsay, France 29 june-4 july 1987

  • ECFA-CAS/CERN-IN2P3-IRF/CEA-EPS workshop Orsay 1987

RF engineering for particle accelerators, Exeter College, Oxford, UK 3-10 April 1991


  • Cern accelerator school Exeter College, Oxford, UK 1991

Future research infrastructures: challanges and opportunities

proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi", workshop 194, Varenna on Lake Como, 9-11 July 2015 : rendiconti della Scuola internazionale di fisica "Enrico Fermi", CXCIV workshop, Varenna sul Lago di Como, 9-11 luglio 2015

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" 194. Varenna 2015