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Risultati 180-200 di 272

Beyond the desert 2002

accelerator, non-accelerator and space, approaches in the new millennium : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Accelerator, Non-Accelerator and Space Approaches, Oulu, Finland, 2-7 June 2002

  • Beyond the Desert 2002 Oulu, Finland 2002

Linear collider constraints

some implications for future accelerators

  • Lawson, John David

Conversione dell'elettrosincrotrone dei laboratori nazionali di Frascati in acceleratore di ioni

  • Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleareLaboratori nazionali di Frascati

Inelastic electron scattering

proceedings of the Daresbury study weekend, 11-13 June, 1971

  • Proceedings of the Daresbury study weekend Daresbury 1971

Proceedings of the workshop on electron cooling and related applications

ECOOL 1984, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany, September 24-26, 1984

  • Workshop on electron cooling and related applications Karlsruhe, Germania 1984

Proceedings of the 1975 ISABELLE Summer study

[Brookhaven], July 14-25, 1975

  • ISABELLE Summer study Brookhaven 1975

Proceedings of the workshop on e+e physics at high luminosities

Stanford linear accelerator center, Stanford, California, November 30-December 1, 1984 and April 5-6, 1985

  • Proceedings of the workshop on e+e physics at high luminosities Stanford (California) 1984-1985

The legacy of LEP and SLC

proceedings of the 7th topical seminar on the legacy of LEP and SLC

  • Topical seminar on the legacy of LEP and SLC 7. Siena, Italy 2001

Cern accelerator school, superconductivity in particle accelerators

30 may - 3 june 1988 at haus rissen, Hamburg : Proceedings : Cern report 89-04

Cern accelerator school

second advanced accelerator physics course : 14-25 september 1987 at evangelisches Johannesstift, West Berlin : Proceedings :Cern report 89-01