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Risultati 80-100 di 2122


haltung, pflege und zucht

  • RaethelHeinz-Sigurd

Birds of the Northwest

a hand-book of the ornitology of the region drained by the Missouri river and its tributaries

  • Coues, Elliott 1842-1899

Bird display and behaviour

an introduction to the study of bird psychology

  • Armstrong, Edward A.

Manuale colombofilo

(nozioni di tecnica d'allevamento e sportiva ad uso degli amatori del colombo da competizione)

  • Nironi, Amos

The beak of the finch

a story of evolution in our time

  • Weiner, Jonathan


  • Deyrolle, Emile

The birds north and middle America

a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species, and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the artic lands to the isthmus of Panama the west Indies and other islands of the Caribbean sea, and the Galapagos Archipelago

  • Ridgway, Robert

Les canards

considérés a l'état sauvage et comme oiseaux d'agrément en domesticité. L'élevage des jeunes canards

  • Rogeron, Gabriel

Manual of ornithology

avian structure & function

  • Proctor, Noble S.

Risultati 80-100 di 2122