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Risultati 60-80 di 2122

Uccelli nidificatori

uova e prole

  • Reade, Winwood

Die Vogelwelt Europas und Ihre Verbreitung

ein tiergeographisher Atlas uber die Lebensweise aller in Europa brutenden Vogel

  • Voous, Karel Hendrik


  • Brehm, Alfred Edmund

Bird navigation

  • Matthews, Geoffrey Vernon Townsend

Breeding bird of Kashmir

  • Bates, Richard Sydney Patrick

Prairie ducks

a study of their behavior, ecology and management

  • Sowls, Lyle K.

Between heaven and earth

birds in ancient Egypt


  • Hosking, Eric


an identification guide to the ducks, geese and swans of the world

  • Madge, Steve

Eurylaemidae to ploceidae

  • Bannerman, David Armitage

Birds of the Sudan

their identification and distribution

  • Cave, Francis Oswin