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Risultati 380-400 di 580

Keeping the peace [+]

the United Nations and the maintenance of international peace and security

  • White, Nigel D.

Aftermath of the Gulf War

an assessment of UN action

  • Johnstone, Ian

The United Nations

international organization and world politics

  • Riggs, Robert Edwon

To loose the bands of wickedness

international intervention in defence of human rights

The United Nations

how it works and what it does

  • Luard, Evan 1926-

L' ONU et la democratisation de l'etat

systemes regionaux et ordre juridique universel

  • Sicilianos, Linos-Alexandre

Codice dei diritti umani

Nazioni Unite, Consiglio d'Europa

  • Conso, Giovanni

Le reve d'un ordre mondial

de la SDN a l'ONU

  • Gerbet, Pierre

East-West diplomacy for environment in the United Nations

the High-level meeting within the framework of the ECE on the protection of the environment : a case-study

  • Chossudovsky, Evgeny M.


Aufgaben und Strukturen der Vereinten Nationen

  • Unser, Gunther


una storia globale

  • Mugnaini, Marco

Operations des Nations Unies

lecons de terrain : Cambodge, Somalie, Rwanda, ex-Yougoslavie