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Risultati 300-320 di 580

Anthropologie de l'ONU

utopie et fondation

  • Brelet, Claudine

La Cina e le Nazioni Unite

dall'esclusione al potere di veto

  • Masina, Pietro P.

L'Organisation des Nations Unies

  • Mestre-Lafay, Frédérique

Ahead of the curve?

UN ideas and global challenges

  • Emmerij, Louis

No enchanted palace

the end of empire and the ideological origins of the United Nations

  • Mazower, Mark

Towards a rapid reaction capabikity for the United Nations

report of the Government of Canada. Les opérations de paix de l'ONU : vers une capacitè de réaction rapode : rapport du Gouvernement Du Canada

Le rêve d'un ordre mondial

de la SDN à l'ONU

  • Gerbet, Pierre

Istituti specializzati delle Nazioni Unite

statuti e documenti annessi

  • Nazioni Unite

International population assistance

the first decade : a look at the concepts and policies which have guided the UNFPA in its first ten years

  • Salas, Rafael M.

Reforming the United Nations

the challenge of relevance

  • Saksena, K. P.

Building peace and development, 1994

report on the work of the Organization from the Forty-eighth to the Forty-ninth Session of the General Assembly

  • Boutros Ghali, Boutros