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Risultati 120-140 di 1092

Sacred rage

the crusade of modern Islam

  • Wright, Robin


the rise of militant Islam in central Asia

  • Rashid, Ahmed

The shade of swords

Jihad and the conflict between Islam and Christianity

  • Akbar, M. J.

The missing martyrs

why there are so few Muslim terrorists

  • Kurzman, Charles

The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s succession crisis

the politics of liberalisation and reform in the Middle East

  • Zahid, Mohammed

Moroccan monarchy and the Islamist challenge

maintaining Makhzen power

  • Daadaoui, Mohamed

Introduction à la sociologie de l'Islam

de l'animisme a l'universalisme

  • Chelhod, Joseph

The Muslim Brotherhood in contemporary Egypt

democracy redefined or confined?

  • Tadros, Mariz

Islam e modernità

riflessioni blasfeme

  • ŽiŽek, Slavoj

Il declino della cristianita sotto l'Islam

dal jihad alla dhimmitudine

  • Bat Ye'or


a documentary and reference guide

  • Calvert, John

North African societies after the Arab spring

between democracy and Islamic awakening

The new Muslims of post-conquest Iran

tradition, memory and conversion

  • Savant, Sarah Bowen

Zaynab al-Ghazālī al-Ğabīlī (1917-2005)

vita e pensiero di una milititante dei Fratelli musulmani egiziani

  • Paciello, Maria Cristina 1972-

Risultati 120-140 di 1092