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Risultati 220-240 di 1092

Islam in nineteenth-century Wallo, Ethiopia

revival, reform, and reaction

  • Ahmed, Hussein

I musulmani nel terzo millennio

laicità e secolarizzazione nel mondo islamico

  • De Poli, Barbara

Los cristianos de Ala

la fascinante aventura de los renegados

  • Bennassar, Bartolomé

Il riformismo musulmano in Siria


  • Pellitteri, Antonino

Islam in Iran

  • Petrusevskij, Ilja Pavlovic

On both sides of al-Mandab

Ethiopian, South-Arabic and Islamic Studies presented to Oscar Lofgren on his ninetieth birthday 13 May 1988 by colleagues and friends

Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara

daʼwa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident

Permanent pilgrims

the role of pilgrimage in the lives of West African Muslims in Sudan

  • Yamba, C. Bawa

God alone is king: Islam and emancipation in Senegal

the Wolof kingdoms of Kajoor and Bawol, 1859-1914

  • Searing, James F.

Les chretiens d'Allah

l'histoire extraordinaire des renegats : 16.-17. siecles

  • Bennassar, Bartolomé

Afghani and ʻAbduh

an essay on religious unbelief and political activism in modern Islam

  • Kedourie, Elie

Islām interiore

  • Pallavicini, ʻAbd al Wāḥid

Islam and the myth of confrontation

religion and politics in the Middle East

  • Halliday, Fred

African Islam and Islam in Africa

encounters between Sufis and Islamists

The challenge of fundamentalism

political Islam and the new world disorder

  • Tibi, Bassam