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Risultati 380-400 di 852

The climate change convention and developing countries

from conflict to consensus?

  • Gupta, Joyeeta

Elementi di geografia fisica


  • Cortemiglia, Gian Camillo

Heat wave

a social autopsy of disaster in Chicago

  • Klinenberg, Eric

The climate in historical times

towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and climate models

Under the weather

how the weather and climate affect our health

  • Thomas, Pat

Health and climate change

modelling the impacts of global warming and ozone depletion

  • Martens, Pim

1992 IPCC supplement

Scientific assessment of climate change

Climate change 1992

the supplementary report to the IPCC scientific assessment

Geomorphology and geoecology

Climatic geomorphology

  • International conference on geomorphology 2. Frankfurt-Main 1989

Greenhouse-impact on cold climate

Ecosystems and landscapes : Selected papers of the European conference on landscape ecological impact of climatic change, Lunteren, The Netherlands, December 3-7, 1989

Niederschlag und Biomasse in den wechselfeuchten Tropen Ostafrikas

neuere Methoden zur Quantitativen Erfassung Klimaoekologischer Raumparameter aus Digitalen Satellitendaten (Meteosat und Noaa)

  • Menz, Gunter

Il mondo in fiamme [+]

contro il capitalismo per salvare il clima

  • Klein, Naomi