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Risultati 280-300 di 852

Climate change [+]

observed impacts on planet Earth

Climate and sea level change

observations, projections and implications

Société et climats dans l'empire romaine

pour une perspective historique et systémique de la gestion des ressources en eau dans l'Empire romain

Cities and Climate Change

Global report on human settlements 2011

  • United Nations Human Settlements programme

Cambia il clima cambia il mondo

l'accordo globale di Parigi spiegato dai protagonisti

Climate change

a very short introduction

  • Maslin, Mark

The climate connetction

climate change and modern human evolution

  • Hetherington, Renée

The late third millennium in the ancient Near East [+]

chronology, C14, and climate change : papers from the Oriental Institute Seminar "The early/middle bronze age transition in the ancient Near East: chronology, C14 and climate change", held at Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 7-8 March 2014

  • The early/middle bronze age transition in the ancient near east Chicago 2014

Earth's climate [+]

past and future

  • Ruddiman, William F.


il clima che lasciamo in eredità ai nostri nipoti, l'urgenza di agire

  • Hansen, James E.

Sfide globali per il Leviatano

una filosofia politica delle armi nucleari e del riscaldamento globale

  • Cerutti, Furio

Climate change denial

heads in the sand

  • Washington, Haydn

Adapting to climate change

thresholds, values, governance

Climate cover-up

the crusade to deny global warming

  • Hoggan, James 1946-

L'uomo, il clima e l'agricoltura

verso nuovi strumenti e politiche

  • Misso, Rosa

Phenological research

methods fer environmental and climate and climate change analysis

  • Hudson, Irene L.