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Risultati 1-20 di 799

Test linguistici accessibili per studenti sordi e con DSA [+]

pari opportunità per l'accesso all'università

Neural networks

a comprehensive foundation

  • Haykin, Simon

Learning and teaching with computers

artificial intelligence in education

  • O'Shea, Tim

Second-order methods for neural networks

fast and reliable training methods for multi-layer perceptrons

  • Shepherd, Adrian, J.

I bambini che non imparano a leggere e a scrivere

approccio diagnostico e proposte di intervento

  • Stella, Giacomo


  • Farnè, Mario

Psychological theories and human learning

Kongor's report

  • Lefrancois, Guy R.

Intelligent hybrid systems

fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms

  • Ruan, Da

Advances in neural information processing systems 12

proceedings of the 1999 conference

  • Solla, Sara A.

Stroh im Kopf?

Gebrauchsanleitung fürs Gehirn

  • Birkenbihl, Vera F.

Risultati 1-20 di 799