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Pubblicazione: [Milano : Mondadori]
Tipo di risorsa: risorsa video e da proiezione, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: mul, Paese: it
1: La minaccia fantasma / written and directed by George Lucas ; music by John Williams
2: L'attacco dei cloni / directed by George Lucas ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by George Lucas
3: La vendetta dei Sith / written and directed by George Lucas ; music by John Williams
4: Una nuova speranza / written and directed by George Lucas ; music by John Williams
5: L'impero colpisce ancora / directed by Irvin Kershner ; screenplay by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan ; story by George Lucas ; music by John Williams
6: Il ritorno dello Jedi / directed by Richard Marquand ; screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas; story by George Lucas ; music by John Williams
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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-09T03:20:52.314Z