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Pubblicazione: Cambridge : at the University press
Tipo di risorsa: testo, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: eng, Paese: GB
1: From the beginnings to the cycles of romance
2: The end of the Middle Ages
3: Renascence and Reformation
4: Prose and poetry
5: The drama to 1642. Part 1
6: The drama to 1642. Part 2
7: Cavalier and puritan
8: The age of Dryden
10: The age of Johnson
11: The period of the French Revolution
12: The nineteenth century. Part 1
13: The nineteenth century. Part 2
14: The nineteenth century. Part 3
15: General index
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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-09T18:55:34.894Z