Le 12 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente
Italia : Home Entartainment, 2000
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment distributore, c2000
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, c2001
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2002
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home entartainment distributore, c2002
The Simpson
Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, c2002
Serie: I Simpson
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, ©2003
Serie: I Simpson. Classici. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment [distributore], 2003-. - DVD ; in contenitore, 19 cm.
The Simpson
Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, c2003
Serie: I Simpson
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment distributore, c2008
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment italia distributore, c2008
I Simpson
Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, c2008
I Simpson
Segrate : Mondadori ; Milano : Twentieth century fox home entertainment, 2008