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Titolo uniforme: Dexter <serie TV ; 2006-2013>
Fa parte di: Dexter : la prima stagione / developed for television by James Manos jr. ; based on the novel by Jeff Lindsay
Fa parte di: Dexter : la seconda stagione / developed for television by James Manos jr. ; based on the novel by Jeff Lindsay
Fa parte di: Dexter. La terza stagione / developed for television by James Manos jr. ; based on the novel by Jeff Lindsay
Fa parte di: Dexter : quarta stagione / [developed for television by James Manos jr. ; based on the novel by Jeff Lindsay]
Fa parte di: Dexter : la serie completa : stagioni 1-8
Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-09T16:49:14.926Z