risorsa video e da proiezione

Titolo: Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore

Titolo uniforme: The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey <film ; 2012>

Edizione: Extended ed.

Pubblicazione: Milano : Warner bros. Entertainment, c2015

Tipo di risorsa: risorsa video e da proiezione, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: ita, eng, Paese: it

Fa parte di: The Hobbit : the motion picture trilogy / [directed by] Peter Jackson

Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore - [1]: Il film. Parte 1
Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore - [2]: Il film. Parte 2
Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore - [3]: Le appendici. Parte 7: un viaggio lunghissimo
Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore - [4]: Le appendici. Parte 7: un viaggio lunghissimo
Lo Hobbit : un viaggio inaspettato / directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh ... [et al.] ; based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; music by Howard Shore - [5]: Le appendici. Parte 8: ritotno alla Terra di Mezzo

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