
Titolo: The titan

Titolo uniforme: The titan. / Theodore Dreiser

Autore principale: Dreiser, Theodore

Le 7 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The titan

    Dreiser, Theodore New York : John Lane ; London : John Lane, The Bodley head ; Toronto : Bell & Cockburn, 1914
  • The titan

    Dreiser, Theodore London : Lane, 1915
  • The Titan

    Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945 Cleveland : World Publishing Company, 1925
  • Der Titan

    Dreiser, Theodore Berlin ; Wein ; Leipzig : Zsolnay, 1928
  • The Titan

    Dreiser, Theodore Cleveland ; New York : The world publishing company, 1946
  • The Titan

    Dreiser, Theodore New York : New American library, ©1965

    Serie: Signet classics

  • The titan

    Dreiser, Theodore New York : Crowell Company, 1974

    Serie: Apollo editions

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T21:12:28.160Z