
Titolo: Thermoelasticity

Autore principale: Nowacki, Witold

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Thermoelasticity

    Nowacki, Witold Oxford \etc.! : Pergamon press ; Warszawa : PWN, c1962

    Serie: International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics ; 3

  • Thermoelasticity

    Nowacki, Witold Oxford : Pergamon Press ; Warszawa : PWN, c1962
  • Thermoelasticity

    Nowacki, Witold Oxford \etc.! ; Warszawa : PWN, 1986
  • Thermoelasticity

    Nowacki, Witold Oxford etc. : Pergamon Press, c1986 ; Warszawa : PWN

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