
Titolo: Swann's way

Autore principale: Proust, Marcel

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Swann's way

    Proust, Marcel New York : The modern library, c1928
  • Swann's way

    Proust, Marcel New York : Modern Library, c1956

    Serie: The modern library of the world's best books

  • Swann's way

    Proust, Marcel New York : Vintage Books, 1970

    Serie: Remembrance of things past ; 1

  • Swann's way

    Proust, Marcel New York : Vintage Books, 1970

    Serie: Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V-594

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T14:39:12.828Z