
Titolo: Sampling techniques

Autore principale: Cochran, William Gemmell 1909-1980

Le 3 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Sampling techniques

    Cochran, William Gemmell 1909-1980 New York : John Wiley & sons ; London : Chapman & Hall, ©1953

    Serie: Wiley publications in statistics

  • Sampling techniques

    Cochran, William Gemmell 1909-1980 New York \etc.! : Wiley & sons, c1963

    Serie: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics. Applied probability and statistics

  • Sampling techniques

    Cochran, William Gemmell 1909-1980 New York etc. : J. Wiley, c1977

    Serie: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics

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