
Titolo: 15: Plays

Autore principale: Dryden, John

Fa parte di: The works of John Dryden

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • 8: Plays

    Dryden, John Berkeley ; Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1962

    Fa parte di: The works of John Dryden

  • 9: Plays

    Dryden, John Berkeley ; Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1966

    Fa parte di: The works of John Dryden

  • 10: Plays

    Dryden, John Berkeley etc. : University of California Press, 1970

    Fa parte di: The works of John Dryden

  • 15: Plays

    Dryden, John Berkeley etc. : University of California Press, 1976

    Fa parte di: The works of John Dryden

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