
Titolo: Physics

Le 10 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Part 1.: Physics

    London : Murray, 1931-1961

    Fa parte di: The science masters' book

  • Physics

    Boston, D. C. Heath and Company, 1960
  • 3a: Physics

    New York ; London : Interscience Publishers, 1962

    Fa parte di: Reactor handbook

  • Physics

    New York : Wiley, 1962

    Fa parte di: Reactor handbook

  • Physics

    Amsterdam \etc.! : published for the Nobel foundation by Elsevier, 1965

    Serie: Nobel lectures including presentation speeches and laureatesʼ biographies

  • Physics

    New York : s.n., 1965-
  • Physics

    Amsterdam \etc.! : published for the Nobel foundation by Elsevier, 1967

    Serie: Nobel lectures including presentation speeches and laureatesʼ biographies

  • Part 1.: Physics

    Sidney : The Sidney University science foundation for physics, ©1967

    Fa parte di: Senior science for high school students

  • Physics

    London etc. : Addison-Wesley, ©1972
  • Physics


    Fa parte di: Science & civilisation in China

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-09T20:24:25.237Z