
Titolo: Omoo

Autore principale: Melville, Herman

Le 10 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman London : Murray, 1849
  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman 1819-1891 New York : Dodd, Mead and Company, 1924
  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman Humprey Milford : Oxford university, 1936

    Serie: The world's classics ; 275

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    Melville, Herman Roma : Migliaresi, 1944
  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman Roma : Migliaresi, stampa 1945
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    Melville, Herman Norwalk, Conn. : The *Easton Press, c1967

    Serie: Masterpieces of american literature [The Easton Press]

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    Melville, Herman Evanston : Northwestern university press ; Chicago : The Newberry library, 1968

    Fa parte di: The writings of Herman Melville : the Northwestern-Newberry edition / editors Harrison Hayford, Hershel Parker, G. Thomas Tanselle

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    Melville, Herman Evanston : Northwestern University Press ; Chicago : Newberry Library, 1968

    Fa parte di: The writings of Herman Melville

  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman Paris : Flammarion, c1990
  • Omoo

    Melville, Herman London : Penguin books,2007

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