
Titolo: Mystery mile

Autore principale: Allingham, Margery

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Mystery mile

    Allingham, Margery London : Penguin books : Heinemann, 1950

    Serie: Penguin books ; 761

  • Mystery mile

    Allingham, Margery Aylesbury : Penguin books : in association with William Heinemann, 1950
  • Mystery mile

    Allingham, Margery Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1959

    Serie: Penguin books ; 761

  • Mystery mile

    Allingham, Margery Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Heinemann, 1973

    Serie: Penguin crime fiction

Quali biblioteche contattare per richiedere questa risorsa

Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T21:14:24.504Z