
Titolo: The Monk

Autore principale: Lewis, Matthew Gregory

Le 7 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The Monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory Paris : Baudry's foreign library, 1832

    Serie: Collection of ancient and modern British novels and romances ; 35

  • The monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory 1775-1818 London : Oxford University Press, 1973

    Serie: Oxford English novels

  • The monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory 1775-1818 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1973
  • The monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 1775-1818 Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1980
  • The monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory 1775-1818 Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1980

    Serie: The worldʼs classics

  • The monk

    Lewis, Matthew Gregory 1775-1818 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1980
  • The Monk

    LEWIS, Matthew Gregory Oxford : Oxford University Press, stampa1998

    Serie: Oxford world's classics

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