
Titolo: King Henry 8.

Autore principale: Shakespeare, William

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • King Henry 8.

    Shakespeare, William Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1868

    Serie: The plays of William Shakespeare in 37 parts ; 21

  • King Henry 8.

    Shakespeare, William London : Methuen, 1957

    Serie: The Arden edition of the works of William Shakespeare

  • King Henry 8.

    Shakespeare, William London ; New York : Routledge, 1994

    Serie: The Arden Shakespeare

  • King Henry 8.

    Shakespeare, William Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1990

    Serie: The new Cambridge Shakespeare

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-09T02:34:14.871Z