
Titolo: History

Le 13 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • History

    London : F. Hodgson, 1912-
  • History

    London : Hodgson, 1912-
  • 1: History

    New York : Columbia university press, 1934

    Fa parte di: The origins of the international labor organization

  • 1: The History

    Oxford : Blackwell, 1956

    Fa parte di: The Delphic oracle

  • 1: History

    Florence : La nuova Italia, 1978

    Fa parte di: Essays presented to Myron P. Gilmore

    Serie: Villa I Tatti ; 2

  • 1: History

    Florence : La nuova Italia, 1978

    Fa parte di: 2: History of art. History of music

    Serie: Villa I Tatti : The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies

  • 1: History

    Florence : La nuova Italia, 1978

    Fa parte di: Essays presented to Myron P. Gilmore

  • [1]: History

    New York : Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan, 1978

    Fa parte di: Literary history of the United States

  • History

    Barcelona : Puvill, 1980

    Fa parte di: studies on the history, language, and literature of the jews in the hispanic world

  • History

    Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 1982

    Serie: China handbook series

  • History

    Fa parte di: Free banking

  • 1: History

    New York ; London : Garland, 1995

    Fa parte di: Medieval scholarship

    Serie: Garland reference library of the humanities ; 1350

  • History

    Washington D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c1997

    Fa parte di: The World Bank

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T22:49:52.528Z