
Titolo: Gerhard Richter

Autore principale: Richter, Gerhard 1932-

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Gerhard Richter

    Richter, Gerhard Halifax : The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, c1980

    Serie: The Nova Scotia Pamphlets / editor Benjamin H.D. Buchloh ; 2

  • Gerhard Richter

    Richter, Gerhard Ostfildern : Cantz, c1993
  • Gerhard Richter

    Richter, Gerhard 1932- Milano : Postmedia, c2003
  • Gerhard Richter

    Richter, Gerhard 1932- Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2011-

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-10T09:49:44.970Z