
Titolo: 4: The friend

Autore principale: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Le 3 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The friend

    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor London : George Bell and sons, 1883

    Serie: Bohn's standard library

  • 4: The friend

    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor London : Routledge & Kegan Paul ; Princeton, N. J. : Princeton U. P., 1969

    Fa parte di: The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Comprende ↓
  • 4: The friend

    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor London : Routledge & Kegan Paul ; Princeton, N.J. : Princeton U. P., c1969

    Fa parte di: The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T18:35:08.657Z