
Titolo: Field theory

Autore principale: Ramond, Pierre

Le 5 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Field theory

    Ramond, Pierre 1943- Reading, Mass. : The Benjamin Cummings, 1981

    Serie: Frontiers in physics ; 51

  • Field theory

    Ramond, Pierre Reading (Mass.) etc. : The Benjamin/Cummings publishing company, c1981
  • Field theory

    Ramond, Pierre Redwood City : Addison Wesley, 1989
  • Field theory

    Ramond, Pierre 1943- Cambridge (MA) : Perseus publishing, c1990

    Serie: Frontiers in physics ; 74

  • Field theory

    Ramond, Pierre Redwood City etc. : Addison-Wesley, c1990

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