
Titolo: Eothen

Titolo uniforme: Eothen, or Traces of travel brought home from the east. / Alexander William Kinglake

Autore principale: Kinglake, Alexander William

Le 7 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William Paris : Galignani, 1846
  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William Paris : A. and W. Galignani and Co., 1846
  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William London : John Ollivier, 1847
  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William Paris : Galignani, 1852
  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William London : Dent ; New York : Dutton, 1961
  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William Como ; Pavia : Ibis, 2010

    Serie: L'ippogrifo

  • Eothen

    Kinglake, Alexander William Como ; Pavia : Ibis, 2010

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T22:31:42.243Z