
Titolo: Electra

Autore principale: Sophocles

Le 8 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • 6: The Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge : University Press, 1894

    Fa parte di: The plays and fragments

  • The Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge : University press, 1908
  • 6: The Electra

    Sophocles Amsterdam : Hakkert, 1962

    Fa parte di: The plays and fragments

  • Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge : at the University press, 1973

    Serie: Cambridge Greek and Latin classics

  • Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge \etc.! : Cambridge university press, 1973

    Serie: Cambridge Greek and Latin classics

  • Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge : University Press, stampa 1997
  • Electra

    Sophocles Warminster : Aris & Phillips, c2001
  • Electra

    Sophocles Cambridge etc. : Cambridge university press, 2007

    Serie: Cambridge classical texts and commentaries

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T18:18:15.335Z