
Titolo: Bayesian inference

Autore principale: O'Hagan, Anthony

Fa parte di: Kendall's advanced theory of statistics

Le 3 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • 2B: Bayesian inference

    O'Hagan, Anthony London : Edward Arnold ; New York : Halsted press, 1994

    Fa parte di: Kendalls advanced theory of statistics

  • Bayesian inference

    O'Hagan, Anthony London : Arnold, 1994

    Fa parte di: Kendall's advanced theory of statistics

  • Bayesian inference

    O'Hagan, Anthony London : Arnold, 2004

    Fa parte di: Kendall's advanced theory of statistics

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Record aggiornato il: 2023-01-03T19:09:12.735Z