
Titolo: Authority

Le 7 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Authority

    Cambridge : Harward university press, c1958

    Serie: Nomos ; 1

  • Authority

    Chestnut Hill : Boston College ; The Hague : Nijhoff, 1974

    Serie: Boston college studies in philosophy ; 3

  • Authority

    University, Ala : University of Alabama press, c1976
  • Authority

    Westport (Conn.) : Greenwood, 1981

    Serie: Nomos

  • Authority

    Oxford : Blackwell, 1990

    Serie: Readings in social and political theory

  • 1: Authority

    New Haven etc. : Yale University Press, ©2000

    Fa parte di: The Jewish political tradition

  • Authority

    Novara : Lion Comics, 2018

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