
Titolo: August Sander

Autore principale: Sander, August [Fotografo]

Le 5 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • August Sander

    Sander, August [Fotografo] New York : Aperture, c1977

    Serie: The Aperture history of photography series

  • August Sander

    Sander, August New York : Aperture, c1977
  • August Sander

    Sander, August New York : Aperture, ©1977

    Serie: The Aperture history of photography

  • August Sander

    Sander, August Köln : Könemann ; New York : Aperture Foundation, 1997

    Serie: Aperture masters of photography

  • August Sander

    Sander, August Roma : Contrasto, 2008

    Serie: FotoNote

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T22:09:22.138Z