
Titolo: The Asiatics

Autore principale: Prokosch, Frederic

Le 6 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The Asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic Hamburg : The Albatross, 1936

    Serie: The Albatross modern continental library ; 310

  • The Asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic Hamburg ; Paris ; Bologna : The Albatross, c1936

    Serie: Modern Continental Library ; 310

  • The Asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic 1908-1989 London : The albatross, 1947

    Serie: The Albatross modern continental library ; 310

  • The asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic London ; Paris : The Albatross library, c1947
  • The Asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic London : The Albatros, 1957
  • The Asiatics

    Prokosch, Frederic New York : Farrar-Strauss-Giraux, 1983

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