
Titolo: Arrowsmith

Autore principale: Lewis, Sinclair

Le 8 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 192.?

    Serie: Collection of British authors ; 4694

  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1925

    Serie: Collection of British authors ; 4694

  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair S.l. : Grosset &and Dunlap, c1925
  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Paris : Firmin Didot et C.ie, 1931
  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Paris : Firmin-Didot et freres, c1931
  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Paris : Firmin Didot, stampa 1931
  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair 1885-1951 New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, 1952
  • Arrowsmith

    Lewis, Sinclair Garden City, N.Y. : International Collectors Library, c1953

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