
Titolo: 1: Antiquity

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Antiquity

    Oxford : University press, 1927-
  • Antiquity

    Gloucester : Heffers Printers Ltd, 1927-
  • 1: Antiquity

    Westport : Greenwood press, ©1975

    Fa parte di: History of the art of war

    Serie: Contributions in military history ; 9

  • 1: Antiquity

    Cambridge, Mass. ; London, England : I Tatti Renaissance library : Harvard university press, 2008

    Fa parte di: Lives of the popes / Bartolomeo Platina ; Edited and traslated by Anthony F. D'Elia

    Serie: The I Tatti Renaissance library ; 30

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-08T20:18:33.318Z