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Risultati 20-40 di 260

The claim of reason [+]

Wittgenstein, skepticism, morality, and tragedy

  • Cavell, Stanley

A portrait of Wittgenstein as a young man

from the Diary of David Hume Pinsent, 1912-1914

  • Pinsent, David Hume

The uses of sense

Wittgensteins philosophy of language

  • Travis, Charles

Fact and meaning [+]

Quine and Wittgenstein on philosophy of language

  • Heal, Jane

Farbthemen in Wittgensteins Gesamtnachlass

philologisch-philosophische Untersuchungen im Langsschnitt und in Querschnitten

  • Rothhaupt, Joseph G. F.

La questione del senso

con Heidegger e Wittgenstein sull'enigma dell'esistenza

  • Camerlingo, Francesco

Interactive Wittgenstein

essays in memory of Georg Henrik von Wright

Image and imaging in philosophy, science and the arts

proceedings of the 33. International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010

  • Internationales Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium 33. Kirchberg 2010


lo sguardo e il limite

  • Boncompagni, Anna

Sense and reality

essays out of Swansea

Wittgenstein and the mystical

philosophy as an ascetic practice

  • Sontag, Frederick

Credere [+]

credenza, linguaggio, esperienza

  • Needham, Rodney