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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 200-220 di 402

The language of business studies lectures

a corpus-assisted analysis

  • Crawford Camiciottoli, Belinda

Welfare state e patto sociale in Europa

Gran Bretagna, Germania, Francia, Italia, 1945-1985

  • Masulli, Ignazio

The divided welfare state

the battle over public and private social benefits in the United States

  • Hacker, Jacob S.

The welfare state

its aims, benefits and costs

  • Sleeman, John Frederick

Work incentives and welfare provision

the "pathological" theory of unemployment

  • SCHROEDER, Doris

The privatization of social policy?

occupational welfare and the welfare state in America, Scandinavia and Japan

The future of the welfare state

crisis myths and crisis realities

  • Castles, Francis G.

I giganti del lavoro sociale

grandi donne (e grandi uomini) nella storia del welfare, 1526-1939

  • Bortoli, Bruno

Principles of social welfare

an introduction to thinking about the Welfare State

  • Spicker, Paul

Der Sozialstaat

Entstehung und Entwicklung im internationalen Vergleich

  • Ritter, Gerhard

The welfare state in the European Union

economic and social perspectives

  • Pestieau, Pierre

Theoretical welfare economics

  • Graaff, Johannes de Villiers

The philosophy of welfare

selected writings of Richard M. Titmuss

  • Titmuss, Richard Morris

State responsiveness and state activism

an examination of the social forces and state strategies that explain the rise in social expenditures in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1870-1968

  • Hage, Jerald

Crisi dello stato sociale e contenuto minimo della proprieta

atti del Convegno, Camerino, 27-28 maggio 1982

La accion social

(un estudio sobre la actualidad del estado social de derecho)

  • Vaquer Caballeria, Marcos

Restructuring the welfare state

theory and reform of social policy